Wednesday, October 23, 2013

September 16, 2013

Hello from the rainy state of Colorado!!! I never thought I would be saying that on my mission or ever in Colorado but this week proved worthy of saying that. So There was 3 huge rain storms the hit this week and Saturday was the worse of the 3. The first 2 we were outside working so we got soaked. I have never seen road flood so quickly in my life. Our basement that we live in got flooded a little bit but not bad. I am glad it is over but it does look like a hurricane went through Aurora and it did look like one while it was happening. Oh and I got splashed by a car. I was wet already, so I didn't really care..
Well besides that Elder Daley and I worked really hard this week. we were able to teach 20 lessons this week and 14 of those were to Less actives of the church. Even though we got soaked, we saw the blessing from our sacrifices. We saw a lot of miracles come from it. We got a family that we are going to start teaching soon so I cant wait for that and the progress of the people we are working with.
Also this week we had a mission tour. Elder Corbridge of the seventy came and spoke to us all day and it was awesome. He taught about the atonement and how to be better teachers. Most of it was how to be better teachers. I learned a lot form him and I have a long ways to go!!
Also we moved into our new house. It is 2 miles out of our area and it is uphill both ways so it stinks but it is a awesome family and awesome basement. Well until it flooded. Now we have to wait for the insurance company to call back.
We still have been trying to read the book of Mormon by the end of the transfer which is in 2 weeks and we are way behind. Looks like I have a lot of reading ahead of me!!! I love reading he Book of Mormon though. I learn so much and I am able to teach better. I have grown to love them.
Well that's pretty much all the big things that happened this week. Rain, biking and a lot of teaching. So I say its been a good week. I would love to hear from people, so write me some letters. I love getting letters!!! Or just email at least!! I hope everyone has a good week. love and miss you all!!!
Elder Escudero

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