Sunday, August 4, 2013

July 29th, 2013

Hello from Colorado!!! This week has been pretty tiring, we have been low on miles so we have been biking a lot. Elder Goldade had a couple tire flats this week but we fixed them immediately!! I hope I don't get any flats anytime soon!!! FINGERS CROSSED!!! So as I was reading through my emails today the assistants to the mission president always send a email to all the missionaries about tune ups and a boost of encouragement. They also put a link up to a mormon message video that is really powerful. If you ever need any relief this is the video for you!!! Here is the link It is way good!!!
Well anyways this week has been great!! We have trying to get as many lessons as we can with everybody we come in contact with!!! Its is the standard that our mission president wants from us to get 20 lessons a week. Our ward mission leader helps us to accomplish this goal. We are working towards it and hopefully we can get it. Usually we share lessons at dinner with members but those don't count as lessons anymore. So it got a lot harder but I know that we can do it!
So this next Sunday we have our first baptism!!!! Caitlyn is finally there and she is so ready!!! I know that Satan is working on her and she knows that. It has been a rough journey but after Sunday Satan has lost his battle. We really are all in a battle with Satan, everyday we need to think about the little things that he does to get us off the path but as we think about the end result and lean on the savior we can win each little battle.
So I really love this new Just serve program that the mission is piloting. We have been getting our name out there and just giving service for organizations. We are really starting to see success from it.
We also have been working with the less actives. A lot in this ward are hard to get to come back to church because they have a legitimate reason why they don't come. But we are starting to create solutions to help them!!! A lot of the programs we have help is for everyone and a lot of the less actives just don't know what they are missing!!!
I have been reflecting a lot just on myself and I know I can do better. There is always room for improvement and I want to be the best missionary that I know I can be!!! I have been watching a lot videos that that Elder Goldade has and they are amazing!! It truly has shown me that I can do it. All I have to do is the little things ask for help and study it out. I love serving my heavenly father in this great cause and I love everyone in this area!!! Thanks for everyone's support!!! Hope everyone has a great week!!
Elder Escudero

July 22nd 2013

Well last week was pretty great! So after our preparation day was over we went to dinner then to a lesson with members. The other set of Elders had dinner in the same apartment complex as we had our lesson. So we got out at the same time and of course they need a ride. So they loaded up their bikes and Elder Harley said hey there is some people playing some basketball over there, we should play them!! I was like alright. So I went to tell my companion elder Goldade and before I finished my sentence he got out of the car and pulled a head band down and started walking haha So we went over and we asked them if they wanted to play and they started laughing!! But they accepted. So the hoop had no back board so it was a little trickier. So we started playing and it was bad. We were playing to 21 and it was 6-1 them. Then one of us drained a 2. Oh and we were only playing 2's and 1's haha so all of sudden it was 12-12. They started to get scared and started to play harder. Then it was 20-16 them and Elder Goldade made a comment to a younger kid on the other team and said watch out for him, he is a little slow haha Everyone started cracking up. Elder Goldade meant to say sneaky. But that kid made the last point and they won but for some missionaries who never play basketball on a team. We did pretty good!!!
So Caitlin our investigator she is still on track for being baptised on August 4th. We had a meeting with her this week and it was great. We brought the relief society president with us to get to know her and to explain what relief society is. Also we talked about the baptism program with her. Sister Pulsipher (The Relief Society President) Told her that since she has a baptism date that Satan will be working on her more than ever. She was right. They ended up not coming to church and other little things keep on happening. She told me last night that she has noticed that since the date was set that life has been the hardest it has ever been. Which I knew would happen. Satan doesn't want her to make this covenant with Heavenly Father and sees the potential in her.
Something we learned in our last training meeting is that as heavenly father is hastening his work all over the world. Satan is doing the same. A elder related it to a story in the Book of Mormon when Captain Moroni was fighting and he was fighting at his best and when he was at his best the enemies fought like dragons. So it is pretty scary to imagine that but it really is true. I have seen it in many situations since I have been out. Satan doesn't want this work to progress and will do anything he can to stop it. I am grateful for the opportunity to help people out of this trap and to put them back on the path.
Since being in the new mission there has been a lot of changes. We work a lot with our ward mission leader in coordination lessons and dinners. We have to get 20 lessons a week and that includes everything. Sometimes it is hard because we have a lot of meetings in the week . Also because of the 10 hours of Just serve program a week but it is possible. This has been the most exhausting thing I have ever done but it is so rewarding in the end. I have made some life long friends since i have been out. I have seen things were I knew that there was no possible way that it could of happened but it is great. I love my mission, I will never stop saying it because I do!! I love the people and I love the missionaries I get to serve around! I am doing AMAZING!! I can't wait to see what else the lord has in store for me and the people around me! I love and miss everyone!!
Elder Escudero

July 15th 2013

Hello Family and Friends!!!!
This week has been pretty great!!! We did a lot of service and I loved it. Also our investigator Caitlyn got married and we went to that and it was a amazing wedding. Bishop did a great job and most of the people at the wedding were not members!! They all loved it too and said it was the best wedding they have been to. The day after the wedding we went over to their house and talked to Caitlin about moving up her baptism date from August 25th and she said she will let us know on Sunday at church about the day. So on Sunday we went over to them to see what day they picked and she said August 4th!!!! We are so excited to finally have a baptism on this ward.
This ward has been in a drought for baptisms since December. It is great to finally end that and hopefully improve that a lot!!! The work really is progressing and I can't wait to see the miracles come!!
Some of the service we did this week was working a lot with horses. We first went to a animal rescue place and helped out with them and we did so much in the few hours we had there. We also helped at a ranch. We had to help with kids riding and some of the kids had special needs. It was so much fun to interact with the kids and they were so funny!!! We also unloaded 80 bales of hay at the bishops. We also had a move like normal and on our way home it was raining and of course we were on bikes so we biked 4 miles in the rain and we were soaked and it was great. I loved it!!!
We have a lot of lessons set up this week with members because we really rely on members to do missionary work too. We can't do it alone. The Apostles have been talking about it a lot but the hastening of the work, more missionaries is not going to do that we really have to include everyone. Members really need to invite their friends to do things and just become closer with them. People's hearts are being softened everyday and you never know who it could be. Don't be afraid to do missionary work!!
I have loved these last 5 months, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love this area I have had to serve in and can't wait to see what happens next!!! I thank you for everyone's support. I do miss and love you all!!! I hope the best for everyone and hope everyone has a great week!!!
Elder Escudero

July 8th 2013

Hello Everyone!!!! Well today is transfer day for the Denver North Mission but I am not being transferred so i don't have to worry about it. That means I will have been in this ward for a quarter of my mission at the end of this next transfer which I think is great!!! I love this ward and the people in this area. They are really nice, even when they aren't interested. 
This week was great so our investigator Caitlyn is getting married on July 10th and I have been helping her plan it. So I can officially say that I have planned a wedding!!!! She has a baptism date for the 25th of August but we are going to try and move it up to sometime this month! Her and Corry are so great and the changes they have made in the last couple months are amazing.
We also had a lesson with our other investigator Tom, we taught him the Plan of Salvation and he seems like he has no desire to learn more. So all we could do is testify and give him time to read and pray because we can't force him to do anything...
The 4th of July was a lot of fun. The ward had a breakfast and we showed up to help set up but we ended up cooked and I cracked 10 dozen eggs!!! It was a way good breakfast and afterwards played Ultimate Frisbee and some football. Then we had to clean up and went to a barbeque then worked for the rest of the day but after dinner we had to go in. They don't want missionaries running around to firework shows. Or even be around fireworks which I understand because there would be that one missionary that gets hurt and ruins holidays in general for everyone else!! But ya we couldn't see very many fireworks from where we were at so we just went to bed. 
We did quite a bit of service this past week!! We moved 3 people in the ward, pulled some weeds, cleaned a boat, moved some mulch around, and cleaned out a storage unit. I have never been so tired in my life!!!!
Well I am excited to be here for another transfer in this ward. Elder Goldade is staying here to so no new companions yet. I am excited for this next new transfer and to see what happens!!! A lot can happen in 6 weeks. I am doing good, weather is hot but i love it. I have the best farmers tan and best watch line now, its great. I love serving a mission, it is the happiest I have ever been and I can't believe these last 5 months have flown by!!!! The new mission president, President Toombs is awesome we had a little mini meet and get to know him on Wednesday and I am excited. We got our new guidebook last night and I am excited for the new changes. Change is good, it keeps you on your toes!!! I will have 3 mission presidents on my mission. I think that's way cool to have the opportunity to do that! Well that's all I got this week!! I love my mission it has changed me for the better. Hope to hear from everyone soon!!!
Elder Escudero 


July 1st Officially in the Denver North Mission

Denver North Mission BABY!!!!

So this was my last week in the Colorado Colorado Springs Mission. It was pretty slow but good at the same time.
Most of the week was a lot of service. It was pretty much moving people!! Like normal in this ward we did 3 moves this week. One of them took 2 days and oh boy did they have a lot of heavy stuff. Also we helped the Bishops wife with a stall in the barn. She is making it comfier for the horses. We also have been helping an investigator drop some trees in his back yard!!! That was fun!!! But ya that was a lot of the service this week.

So since our car had to be parked for most of the week, we had to bike a lot. One day was insane. We got finished with the move and then we had to go to dinner which was by the church 8 miles away... So we biked there and then after dinner we had to bike all the way back and some to go to a lesson so within 3 hours we biked close to 20 miles... My legs were dead but I definitely can tell I am getting in shape!
That lesson we went to was with Caitlyn. We have finished all of the lessons with her so we go and teach random lessons and answer questions. Elder Goldade and I decided that morning that we needed to set a baptism date to push her wedding up closer. We considered what they told us of late August so we set it for August 25th. The last Sunday in August. She accepted and we were excited to see what would happen with the wedding. On Friday we had our district meeting and she called me and left a voice-mail saying to call back because she had a question. So I called back and told me that Corry and her decided to get married on July 10th and asked if bishop could marry them and I said of course and I gave her Bishops number!!! Oh boy I was sooo excited. I played as Bishops secretary in this whole thing as I was setting up appointments for him! But ya it is exciting. So we will be moving up her baptism date up sooner than later!!! This was the high light of my week.
There was a sick lightning storm this week!! Oh and it rained super hard and huge hail. It dropped 30 degrees in 15 minutes!!! We sat on the porch and watch the lightning forever until we had to go to bed!!! But our room lit up all night!!!
So Sunday was pretty crazy. I got told like a half an hour before being picked up that I was teaching the Preach my gospel class. Good thing it was Preach my Gospel and it was on the first lesson!!! I guess I did a good job because that is what everyone said haha I have no idea what I said. Then the 3rd hour was all about the new program that the Denver North Mission is Piloting called Just Serve. Super pumped to get started on that!! Then we had to pack because a family is moving into bishops home while thy are gone and they have little kids so we got the boot. But we moved right back into the Maughns and Sister Maughn was sooo excited to see me!! She calls me her son now haha But ya we are all moved in and loving be back at the Maughns.
So now that I am officially in the Denver North mission it is exciting. I am excited to see the changes, I am excited to meet new people and i am excited to see how I grow. This morning we went into our new mission and went to the driving range. It was fun to hit some golf balls!!!! I love change and adapting to new things. I will have 3 missions presidents on my mission. Way crazy but cool!!! I do miss everyone and love all the support you give me. Can't wait to see what else is coming up for me!!!
Elder Escudero