Well first week out and its been pretty great!!! Got my trainer on Wednesday and his name is Elder Lemon!!! He gave me a lime and said "I was his lime to his lemon..." I thought it was pretty funny!!!He is from Salem Utah Only been out for 7 and half months. But he said I started out in the best ward ever!! Its the Grandview Ward in Aurora, Colorado The Broncos training center is in our area. I will be here for another 11 weeks because of training for sure. But if I stay one more transfer after that which will be on June 5th. If i stay in this area past that time I will be moving missions. I would be in the Denver North Mission... Never thought I would be switching actual missions, only being 3 months in!!! So ya July 1st is when all of the new missions start! Yep kinda weird but i'm up for anything right now! The weather is starting to warm up and snow is almost all gone. The members here are awesome!!! I never will go hungry here. We are staying with the Maughn's!! They are so awesome! Brother Maughn is the 2nd counselor in the bishopric.
So when I got here the teacher pool wasn't very big. So Elder Lemon and I are working on it. Never knew how frustrating at times it could be. But I have a car but we are low on miles... So Saturday we biked... I didn't know how hard it is to breathe in mile high area until I biked. I though I was going to die... But while we were biking we finally got to a neighborhood where we met with a less active, to see how she was doing. Then Elder Lemon wanted to visit someone he tracted into a while ago and see how he was doing. So we stopped by and just talked a little bit and then somehow we got into religion!! Don't remember how but we did. Then he said he had a question to which book/religion was true. He grew up Methodist but never really went to church. So we gave him a Book of Mormon and testified a little bit about it and had him read the intro. He is really curious and invited us over this Friday!!! Another plus to this awesome story, he wants us to come to his parents house and teach them too!!! Elder Lemon and I could not stop smiling. We know how much the Book of Mormon has blessed our lives and sharing it with him got us excited! Then we biked more. There is a lot of hills in our area!! But I made the 7 mile bike ride and it was worth it!
Yesterday was my first Sunday and it was way good. Gave a blessing, met a lot of people that I don't remember there names and we taught a fireside! Ya I am trying my best to remember peoples names. I think I am doing pretty good so far. A lot of people started speaking Spanish like I knew Spanish or something but nope I don't. Looks like I need to learn quick! The youth fireside went really good, we are preparing for Easter Sunday which is geared towards missionary work. Got them really excited! Plus a lot of them knew sign language so we had common ground!
I finished a book today, first book to ever read all the way through haha It was Our Search For Happiness!! It is by Elder Ballard and it was way good. Definitely recommend to read it.
Well overall time flies by and super excited that I chose to serve a mission. My testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ has grown so much and my love for others too! I am loving my area and the people here! Can't wait to see the progress me and Elder Lemon will make in the next few months. Our purpose as a missionary is not to force people to convert. We are here to help others come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the holy ghost, and ENDURE TO THE END!!!
Love and miss you all,
Elder Esucdero
Melenda, You have an amazing son. Such expressive letters, so much belief in his faith. He has such an open mind and willing to embrace change. Keep sharing these letters its inspiring.